Some of you will get the obscure reference... most of you will not, because let's face it... you have a life and weren't dropped on your head as a child. But, to those of you who can follow my train of thought... You need counseling! :D
This image is one I did for a sermon series on Romans for someone else and it really just started with the notion that I wanted to use the shield as a key element. A lot of times my illustrations are kind of like jazz... I play one note... or make one part and that leads me to the next element. There are some sneaky little deeper meaning things going on in here but I will leave it to you to find them and wonder if I meant to do that... I probably did, especially if you think it is awesome and brilliant... if you think it is lame... that wasn't me. :D
I have two different versions of this... one without the graffiti writing, but I like being a little obtuse and yet intentional, so I like this version better. I hope you like it.
Lend me your ears